I've never used this before but I'll try: does anyone have the 11/5, Ep. 2 tape of "24"? I got home late so rewound and watched Buffy, forgetting it's also "24" night.
'War Stories'
When come back bring tape
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
Java, I don't, but check your listing -- it should replay on Fox Monday (whenever girls club would have been on), and on Fox Family or whatever some time soon too.
Java -- I just checked the listings -- it'll play on Monday night at 10 Central on FX. (They're running some game show thing on Fox at 8 pm central.)
I'm heading off to NY this weekend and my VCR is being wonky. If anyone in Boston could tape Angel for me, I would be hugely grateful and repay with chocolates or cheesy comestibles. Thanks!
Java I have this week's 24. Um, maybe. I watched it last night. Might not have deleted it.
Just send Java her 24 fix this morning. Should be there tomorrow.
connie, tape mailed Wednesday night, air. Cross your fingers.
Joy, I mailed your Angel tape today. Had an issue with my e-mail and I couldn't get your address. Sorry!
Vonnie, your Angel tape is in the mail.
Anyone have this week's Firefly? Huh, huh, huh? Please? Pretty please?