Can someone burn me this week's Who and Torchwood or tell me where to ahem them? I have no cable until Thursday!!
'Just Rewards (2)'
When come back bring tape
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
Ack! My Tivo didn't record tonight's Reaper. Anyone willing to burn me a DVD of "Charged," tonight's episode?
Is there a kind soul out there recording Torchwood in a medium that could be easily duplicated? The recent move has left me BBCAmerica-less, and I'd like to beg copies if it wouldn't be too troublesome.
I'm too impatient for BBCA so I have it downloaded. I can toss a VCD in the mail to you if that is helpful. Of course you are well aware of the spikeyness. Yes, I saw that cringe. It was good Torchwood fun and it's no biggee to send you VCDs as episodes become available if you'd like. Profile addy good.
Tivo screwed up and DID not record the 2hour Storm Front last night!
Is there a kind soul who could send me a tape?
I had no idea it was on--if anyone did catch it, I'll beg for a tape, or other medium, too. I'll send postage and costs, and possible bribery. Profile addy, and thanks!
I got it, and could possibly arrange for some DVDs.
eta: Profile addy is good!
I don't suppose anyone was planning on recording the Scream Awards on SpikeTV tonight? If by some chance one of you DOES, I would dearly love a copy. (Tim Burton! Arriving in a gothy hot air balloon! Gerard Way! I neeeeeeed to see this.)
Anybody have this week's Leverage on dvr who can burn a copy? Or zip a dl? Or know where there's a dl available? Help a girl out?
Profile addy's good. Thanks.