what is the character length of the space for the random quote generator?
It can't be longer than the love's bitch speech. I can look that up, but not right now. So if it's not done in a couple hours I'll find it.
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what is the character length of the space for the random quote generator?
It can't be longer than the love's bitch speech. I can look that up, but not right now. So if it's not done in a couple hours I'll find it.
You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood...blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.
288 Characters - no spaces
350 Characters - with spaces
Always count spaces.
I like the Firefly quotes. Can't we just add Buffy and Angel quotes until we have the same number of each? They're all ME words after all. The more quotes in the database, the more nice surprises when they pop up.
I double checked my bookmarks and found this: ita "Bureaucracy 3: Oh, so now you want to be part of the SOLUTION?" Oct 19, 2004 12:30:38 pm PDT
Can't we just add Buffy and Angel quotes until we have the same number of each? They're all ME words after all. The more quotes in the database, the more nice surprises when they pop up.
I'm in favor of adding more quotes from Buffy and Angel, especially the later seasons, but really, 720 quotations from 13 episodes of Firefly (as compared to 280 quotes from 144 eps of Buffy and 110 eps of Angel) strikes me as massive overkill. That's more than 50 quotes per episode. Even "Something Blue" didn't have that many. We really ought to be able to cull some of the less inspiring ones.
Going back into the admin mailbox reminds me -- the FAQs probably need deep rehauls (beathen points out we know what happened to Miss Kitty Fantastico). I also remember this being discussed and even performed (though not put up) earlier -- am I making things up?
No, you're not. Didn't tina f. do a lot of overhauling of the FAQ?
We really ought to be able to cull some of the less inspiring ones.
Do you have a mechanism in mind?
Eenie Meanie Minie mo?
Works for me.