Brenda, you need to type <a href="">Best Friends</a> instead of <a href="">Best Friends</a>.
Buffistas Building a Better Board
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Cool. Figured it was something silly like that.
I've noticed that the t br tag still adds a t /b once posted. I don't think it's changing the appearance of the post, but I thought I'd mention in case it was important. I have a vague memory that this has come up before, but I don't remember the resolution.
Can I just say, the bit of code that does this: [link] is quite brilliant. Good job, coders.
Kristin, that's part of the code that will be replaced as soon as I get a chance to implement Gus's latest changes.
Okay, ita, thanks! Sorry to be a pest.
Phoenix just ate my post. Twice.
Or we have a handy new filter that decided I had nothing useful to say.
(The post.php page just pulled up a Cannot Be Found when I was posting in Bitches.)
I'd like to draw your attention to the new, clean, hopefully quicker-loading Buffista Request table: here (same URL as before).
If you have any requests I've missed, or anything in the table is inaccurate, let me know-- a post in this thread or an e-mail to my profile addy should work.
Recently finished: user filter...
How good it is just to see it there. ::text messages Santa: "XTRA GIFTS 4 DEVELOP TEAM KTHX"::
Is it normal that when my account got reactivated, my subscriptions to threads had disappeared, but my filter settings had not?