Jon, it's more that I like not having to search for a person, then find them, then block them. Blocking inthread is fantastic. But if anyone already knows who they want to block (and I'm sure many do) it would be nice to be able to input their username (like you would on LJ) without having to search them out.
Also, is there a way to alphabetize the list of people you have blocked (as opposed to most recent blockee on the bottom) on the profile page. It would make it easier to unblock or to locate a person if you've blocked them inadvertantly.
Sue is so smart. Funny xpost.
Okay, we're alphabetised.
I wasn't able to recreate the problem with the reloading and having the post still be blocked.
Oh well.
I don't have Lee's problem, but I had one Debetesse noticed. If you unblock a single post and then block a different user, when it reloads, you still have the single post unblocked (which was cool). If you leave the thread and come back, then the post will be blocked again.
t heart
the filter!
Have you included a snarky error message for someone who tries to block his own posts?
If you unblock a single post and then block a different user, when it reloads, you still have the single post unblocked (which was cool). If you leave the thread and come back, then the post will be blocked again.
Is this a problem? How would you prefer it to work?
Have you included a snarky error message for someone who tries to block his own posts?
Nah. We just went with prevention.
someone who tries to block his own posts?
Doesn't work. I tried, as frankly I am just not an interesting person sometimes... But it doesn't work.
Just to see if I could, I have about 100 people blocked right now.
You can block 100 people?