1. Is there somewhere to look to see a list of people you've filtered?It shows in the Set Profile page, at the bottom.
I don't know the answers to the other questions.
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
1. Is there somewhere to look to see a list of people you've filtered?It shows in the Set Profile page, at the bottom.
I don't know the answers to the other questions.
1. Is there somewhere to look to see a list of people you've filtered?
I know this one. You can see the list (and unblock people, too, if you like) from your Profile page.
MWAH! Thank you lovely folks.
Sub question 1. Is this where we are giving beta about the filter?
Okay, then some of this repeats, did you know that you can filter more than one person per page load if you click and scroll fast enough?
I ADORE the fact that when you threadsuck, people remain filtered.
Could you just input a list of blockees somewhere? like the profile page? Cause that might be nice? But if not, it works great the way it is.
I just got this message when I tried to post at .net
While trying to retrieve the URL: [link]The following error was encountered:
* Read Error
The system returned:
(104) Connection reset by peer
An error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please retry your request. Generated Tue, 09 Nov 2004 03:10:17 GMT by localhost.localdomain (squid/2.5.STABLE1)
But I hit the bowser's back button, and the content of my post was still in the posting box, and I could post it.
Weird. That's completely new. I wonder if it's to do with today's upgrade, or with the filter code.
Could you just input a list of blockees somewhere?
Dear Lord -- how many people do you intend to block?! ;^)
Just to see if I could, I have about 100 people blocked right now. I'm scrolling through a lot of pages with nothing but me and the odd post.
Interesting thing: when I go back to the set profile list, the order of those blocked seems to change. Always the last people blocked since I last was on my profile at the bottom of the list. But then the group that were at the bottom of the list move to the top of the list next time. It's not a but or a feature, just something I noticed.
I think we meant to change that to alpha order. Let me have a look.