Yeah, Jon, that's a good play. I have that part of the code open now. I could replace the font part of the 's' quickedit with a div enclosure, if we think that is way to go.
The administration of user style sheets is a larger issue, of course, but the quickedit change would lay some foundation for that day.
It should be a style anyway, just so it's not tied in the HTML to the colour of the background.
Should be a style anyway, just so it's not tied in the HTML to the colour of the background.
I'm thinking in these terms:
. spoiler {
font-family: "MS Sans Serif";
color: transparent;
Which will allow changes in background color, without losing the blinvisbility of the spoiler.
There should already be something in the stylesheet. It's a class called "white-plus-sign". Not the best name, but I think it'll work.
"white-plus-sign" is committed to white. The "transparent" color val works fine with backgrounds that are not white.
Sorry -- I meant that we could change the white-plus-sign to transparent and it would do what it's currently doing as well as the spoiler font stuff.
t edit
In fact, if we're talking about letting people change the background color, then we
to change the white-plus-sign class to work with that.
I meant that we could change the white-plus-sign to transparent and it would do what it's currently doing as well as the spoiler font stuff.
Yup. Change white-plus-sign to transparent, substitute the font replacement in quickedit to an enclosing white-plus-sign div. Easy peasy.
Actually, IIRC, you'd want to use a SPAN tag, not a DIV. A DIV puts its contents in its own paragraph, at least in some browsers (I'm too lazy to check the spec). SPAN does not.
eta: I typed:
<font size="-2">I can't "do" this</font>
and I end up with:
I cant do this
the HTML changes to:
<font size='-2' >I cant do this</font >
Dang, tommyrot discovered the scare quotes gobbler I snuck into the code.
Nah, That's a bug.
OK, span is more better than div, for this purpose. Unfortunately, transparent is giving me a hard time for text color attribute. She don't want to work in some browsers. Grr. I'll try to craft an expression() to grab the bgColor, after work.