Should be a style anyway, just so it's not tied in the HTML to the colour of the background.
I'm thinking in these terms:
. spoiler {
font-family: "MS Sans Serif";
color: transparent;
Which will allow changes in background color, without losing the blinvisbility of the spoiler.
There should already be something in the stylesheet. It's a class called "white-plus-sign". Not the best name, but I think it'll work.
"white-plus-sign" is committed to white. The "transparent" color val works fine with backgrounds that are not white.
Sorry -- I meant that we could change the white-plus-sign to transparent and it would do what it's currently doing as well as the spoiler font stuff.
t edit
In fact, if we're talking about letting people change the background color, then we
to change the white-plus-sign class to work with that.
I meant that we could change the white-plus-sign to transparent and it would do what it's currently doing as well as the spoiler font stuff.
Yup. Change white-plus-sign to transparent, substitute the font replacement in quickedit to an enclosing white-plus-sign div. Easy peasy.
Actually, IIRC, you'd want to use a SPAN tag, not a DIV. A DIV puts its contents in its own paragraph, at least in some browsers (I'm too lazy to check the spec). SPAN does not.
eta: I typed:
<font size="-2">I can't "do" this</font>
and I end up with:
I cant do this
the HTML changes to:
<font size='-2' >I cant do this</font >
Dang, tommyrot discovered the scare quotes gobbler I snuck into the code.
Nah, That's a bug.
OK, span is more better than div, for this purpose. Unfortunately, transparent is giving me a hard time for text color attribute. She don't want to work in some browsers. Grr. I'll try to craft an expression() to grab the bgColor, after work.
Crafting expressions makes us browser dependent, doesn't it? If we can control changing the background colour in a style sheet, we can control changing the definition of the spoiler class/style/whatever.
I'd just go that way.
October 25, 2004, 11:02 pm aurelia[795]: ERROR [2] Unknown modifier '2' line 597 of file /home/httpd/vhosts/
October 25, 2004, 11:02 pm aurelia[795]: ERROR [2] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/httpd/vhosts/ line 45 of file /home/httpd/vhosts/
I was trying to post a link to a google results page. Does this mean I was doing something wrong, or that the server choked on something?