Thanks. It was a side effect of file-copying to generate the list of quotes. Gone now!
Jon, I have a for-now theoretical question:
If we were to automate the vote system, what functionality would we need? There already is polling code written, but I'm pretty sure that it's not complex enough to handle the votes we've been doing.
I'm thinking there are three units:
A ballot is made up of one or more questions, which has two or more possible answers.
Ballots can be created, edited, opened, deleted or closed. No editing after opening.
Questions can be created, edited, deleted, and answered. No creating, editing or deleting after the ballot is opened. No answering until the ballot is opened. No answering after the ballot is closed.
Answers can be created, edited, deleted and chosen. No creating, editing or deleting after the ballot is opened. No choosing until the ballot is opened. No choosing after the ballot is closed.
Questions must have at least one required answer, maybe more, and some of them may be written in.
A ballot may be informal (and show results before it has been closed) or formal, and results aren't available until closing.
I'm also thinking that once the ballot is closed, the specifics of who voted for what can be purged, but the totals should be kept. No one will be able to vote twice, or if we choose to make that an option, the second vote overwrites the first.
Does that cover the cases you've coded for so far?