I saw that too, Wolfram. I suspect that he is using a dedicated server with them. Our problems arose because we were using a shared server. We could have switched to a dedicated server with HR, but they were more expensive than iStrada, our current provider, IIRC.
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I guess I was amazed by the whole "oriented towards helping the customers" description. Because if I remember correctly, NSM. Unless, apparently, you're a big spender.
I think we went from HostRockit to FanGeek, and only then to iStrada.
Who were wonderful and beautiful and terrific and great to us and our bandwidth hogging selves.
[edited to replace Ben's Bargain Center affiliate link with the Buffista Affiliate link]
I'd been wondering about this. So we do have a link whereby Buffistas gets some money off my Amazon purchases? Cause there should be an easy way to do that via Buffista Links or something, right? Cause if I remembered, I would do it.
Basically, it goes into my personal account, and I've been keeping track of purchases that are made via Buffistas (if I'm not sure, I add it to the Buffistas). To be honest, I haven't sent any of the money to Jesse because it's still small (less than $100, IIRC), and because we haven't needed it. But it's there as a supplemental rainy fund in case we do.
Thanks for doing that, Jon. A friend emailed me the link, so I didn't even notice that it was an affiliate link for someone else.
Is there a way to have person-independent affiliate links? Is it worth the bother to have a few affiliate links set up for a few shopping sites?
I had suggested something similar about a year ago, but board sentiment seemed to be against it.
Yeah. That was probably mostly me, but I've gotten over myself since then. I don't like overt advertising, and we don't seem to really need the cash, and I don't like Amazon, but those are all over-comeable issues.