What old HTML codes do you mean? Any unsupported (but correctly formatted) HTML tag gets stripped. But you sound like you mean entities -- I can't be sure.
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I used the ampersandnesemicolon for the "not equal" math sign. Plus, an ampersandeacutesemicolon for an accented e. Plus, an ampersandinfinsemicolon for an infinity sign. And, lastly, ampersandthere4semicolon for the mathematical 'therefore'.
I posted it and everything looked good, but I panicked because the times when I've bleeded out an open tag, the error has not shown up on my screen (at all...everyone else's messages look fine to me too).
I deleted it right away and came here instead. As I say, it looked great, but I didn't want to mess anything up if the board coding would be offended.
Entities are just fine. Used here all the time.
Thanks! Both for the reassurance and correct terminology.
The worst that would happen is that it would display with the ampersandtextsemicolon, rather than the entity you wanted. But they can't harm anything because they're self-contained. Unlike an open tag which can affect everything that comes after it.
Any guesses as to why I can't see the bleeding code? (as in repeated, not British)
I'm tripping along, la, la, la and everyone else is drowning in bold.
I hesitate to ask, but could it be because I use a Mac?
Beej, it's because the code only goes through to posts on the same page. If the post after yours is the one on the top of the page, as you're viewing it, then you won't see the bold. If the post with the open tag is somewhere in the middle of a page, everything underneath it will look bold.
Ahhhsooo. I think I understand.
Not that I'll be testing it anytime soon. (closethetagorusequickedit,closethetagorusequickedit,closethetagorusequickedit)
Thanks for the clarification.
Any guesses as to why I can't see the bleeding code? (as in repeated, not British)
It's browser dependent. Some browsers will automatically close certain tags at the end of a paragraph; others leave open tags open.
IE 5.1
I really need to consistently switch to Mozilla. (that's a good one, right?)
While I'm pretty good with Mac fixes, browser differences mystify me.