I half share DX's objection, but then can't help but wondering if the humor of the boot might help.
I am not sure how to articulate this, but I see the warning as being used for an incident more serious than a trip in the guac, and yet, one from which a poster ought to be able to come back (I mean regain social standing and comfort). I guess I am thinking particularly of Schmoker/mieskie. Despite a lot of the nonsense, I can't help but think if we'd approached him differently somehow, eventually, he would have mellowed and been okay, here.
It was like he had a massive guac trip, that managed to spatter onto others. When we pointed that out, somehow, instead of him wanting to clean up the guac, he chucked it at us. Maybe what I'm trying to ask is: would a little lightheartedness be helpful? It seems to me our biggest kerfluffles of any kind come when we take
t whatever issue at hand
too seriously.
Would you have wanted to be lighthearted towards Zoe? There may be situations were lighthearted could defuse, but not all. I'd rather go with neutral.
The stamp is still somewhat lighthearted. The boot or foot seem too light for an official warning. Now a boot for inadvertant spoilage, open tags, or natter where it shouldn't be would be quite funny.
I think there should be an Unclosed Tag Monster. I have no idea what it would look like, except it has to have three horns.
Of course, I'm proposing others do more work merely for my amusement, so just ignore me....
I like the stamp much better than the other logo-y one because the stamp looks more distinctive.
We've been Whedonesqued by a regular user. Is this information helpful for anything other than explaining a spike in pageviews? Is it worth asking Buffistas to not Whedonesque us? I'm not sure that it matters on this server.
I'm not sure if it matters. Going back to my coffee, now.
Is it worth asking Buffistas to not Whedonesque us?
Mayby. Are there any objections before I do it?
No objections here.
Can we ask Whedonesque to take down the link? Can we ask the specific user to quote rather than link?
Is it worth asking Buffistas to not Whedonesque us?
I don't know if it is. It's like a drop in the bucket if anything interesting happens. It's already the bulk of our referrer log.
No objections, DX. I find the info useful, Allyson.