We've been Whedonesqued by a regular user. Is this information helpful for anything other than explaining a spike in pageviews? Is it worth asking Buffistas to not Whedonesque us? I'm not sure that it matters on this server.
I'm not sure if it matters. Going back to my coffee, now.
Is it worth asking Buffistas to not Whedonesque us?
Mayby. Are there any objections before I do it?
No objections here.
Can we ask Whedonesque to take down the link? Can we ask the specific user to quote rather than link?
Is it worth asking Buffistas to not Whedonesque us?
I don't know if it is. It's like a drop in the bucket if anything interesting happens. It's already the bulk of our referrer log.
No objections, DX. I find the info useful, Allyson.
I might be losing my mind.
I could swear that Shawn just posted after me in the movies thread (that would make her post #5779). I hit post and my post came up with hers after. But now it shows my post #5778 as the last one and hers isn't there - no deleted post message - nothing. Is that possible?
Considering we were talking about Donnie Darko, I am half expecting to turn around and see an evil life sized bunny. Yikes.
eta: now it's there. nevermind. but it wasn't for a while. I swear.
It's back. I didn't do anything to it, but it came up as a new message for me.
I didn't do anything to it, but it came up as a new message for me.
It's evil bunnies. I'm telling you.
Also - about the being linked to whedonesque - I noticed that they have had to close their registration for new users because they have had so many new users of late. Huh.
Would you have wanted to be lighthearted towards Zoe? There may be situations were lighthearted could defuse, but not all. I'd rather go with neutral.
Knowing what we know, I don't think any approach would have worked better or worse. The problem there wasn't us. She was ill. Had we been more lighthearted, or more neutral, or pumped Allyson full of crystal meth and Angel Dust and let her do the warning, I don't think the outcome would have been any different. Zoe didn't have problems here. Zoe has an illness, and was here when her illness was most affecting her.
That said, I don't object to the stamp. I just prefer the boot or the footprint (the inky one, which I don't see any longer) to the stamp. But I don't care.
The balance between Buffistas whimsy and putting the seriousness of the offense across seems to be the main issue. What about two levels: "Notice: The amiable gods are watching." followed by "The Thunderbolt"?
(those are metaphors, natch. Maybe "You are about to get stomped, and the stomp.", would explain it better. Either way, I don't think any of graphics so far communicates the skull-and-crossbones lethality of the later case. Should I play with some ideas in that direction? )