What's the feedback on having the MARCIE (or whatever) section display in the profile even when you don't have anyone blocked, with just some text indicating that fact?
A lot of the debate going on right now doesn't affect the logic of the code, so it can continue -- but if we make this profile logic change, it's best to do it before testing starts.
I think that would be helpful, but not necessary.
In fact, the bookmarks screen is similar, and technically should have a message saying "no bookmarks at this time".
It doesn't disappear as an option when you have none. My UI reflex is that it shouldn't.
I'm confused. Are we talking about having the blocked list in the Set profile page, the righthand links (where View bookmarks lives), or in the profile you get when you click on someone's username?
In the Set Profile page, there's currently a section you see if you have one or more users blocked, which lists the users, and allows you to uncheck them -- it's just like the bookmark page, only a section.
My opinion is that the section should be there whether you have anyone blocked or not, just empty in the latter case.
Gotcha. I read back and saw "profile" and suddenly wasn't sure whether you meant the public one (in which case, ACK!), or the Set... page.
Now that I'm thinking of it in these terms, though, it would make more sense to me as part of those left-hand links. After all, it's not really part of my profile (which is all about memememe! and anyway is a very long scroll) -- it's a site tool I use in a manner more like my bookmarks.
it's not really part of my profile (which is all about memememe! and anyway is a very long scroll)
Is it any less about you than the threads you read? In my head it's on the profile page because that's where WebX put it, and I don't see a good reason to move it.
If the profile page is a long scroll, we might want inpage links to scoot up and down it.
My opinion is that the section should be there whether you have anyone blocked or not, just empty in the latter case.
I agree. Maybe have text that says "No users made blinvisible."
I'd rather keep the filter within the profile page. I'd rather not clutter up the left hand column, and I don't expect anyone will be using the filter often enough to warrant it having it's own special page.
t edit
But inpage links are a good idea.