This is where the mystic arts stuff kicks in, right? Internet programming is really done with stinky herbs and Latin, I bet.
Those noises you hear when you dial up? The dying squeals of an electronic sacrificial goat. Also known as putting the 'die' in 'dial up'.
Sorry. I'm probably over-excited about having had time to finish a thread.
t /natter
Internet programming is really done with stinky herbs and Latin, I bet.
Internet programming is like regular programming, really, only with more newt.
Would this be a good time to mention again how much I hate the use of the term MARCIE for the user filter? The character in question was a tragic one, and I really dislike the thought of applying that concept to people who annoy us.
I realize it doesn't actually matter to me in practical application since I won't be using the filter, but I would like to again discourage the practice. I know there are those who disagree with this and think it's cute, but I say, let's say user filter. It's a straightforward term for a functional application.
What Liese said. I've always hated the name MARCIE.
(FTR, I hated ENUF too -- needless cute acronyms make my teeth itch, and I'd much rather just call it a filter. But MARCIE is even worse, for the reason Liese articulates way better than I can.)
I like user filter myself. They always get nicknamed, anyway. i.e., "bozofilter" at TT. Which, actually I loved, but that wasn't it's actual name. I plump for user filter.
Would this be a good time to mention again how much I hate the use of the term MARCIE for the user filter? The character in question was a tragic one, and I really dislike the thought of applying that concept to people who annoy us.
Yes, and well... what if it turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. We ignore someone to the extent that s/he goes wacky and starts killing us, only nobody can see what is going on and um...
Yeah. Put me in the, I'd-like-to-call-it-a-user-filter corner.
Or a
blinvisibility button
I kind of like blinvisibility button, but I'm also fine with user filter. No strong feelings for or against MARCIE, but I guess I'm leaning a tiny bit more towards against.
Oh. That Marcie. Winning the record for Took the Longest to Get the Reference.
I like just calling it a filter.
I probably won't use it because I am adept at glazing over annoying posts, but I like
as a filter name.
I probably won't use it, because I am too nosy. But Marcie makes me think of Marcie, and that's just sad and scary. Blinvisibility makes me think invisible sex. What? It's a thing.