Would this be a good time to mention again how much I hate the use of the term MARCIE for the user filter? The character in question was a tragic one, and I really dislike the thought of applying that concept to people who annoy us.
Yes, and well... what if it turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. We ignore someone to the extent that s/he goes wacky and starts killing us, only nobody can see what is going on and um...
Yeah. Put me in the, I'd-like-to-call-it-a-user-filter corner.
Or a
blinvisibility button
I kind of like blinvisibility button, but I'm also fine with user filter. No strong feelings for or against MARCIE, but I guess I'm leaning a tiny bit more towards against.
Oh. That Marcie. Winning the record for Took the Longest to Get the Reference.
I like just calling it a filter.
I probably won't use it because I am adept at glazing over annoying posts, but I like
as a filter name.
I probably won't use it, because I am too nosy. But Marcie makes me think of Marcie, and that's just sad and scary. Blinvisibility makes me think invisible sex. What? It's a thing.
Hee. Can we just have a little toggle, between "visible" and "blinvisible"?
Currently, in the test version, when you block a user, the following appears below every blocked user's post header:
This post rendered blinvisible by MARCIE.
Would people prefer:
This post rendered blinvisible.
Similarly, on the Set profile are a list of "MARCIEd users". Maybe change that to "Blinvisible users"?
Holli - there's a toggle between "Block" and "Unblock". It will appear next to the Mark link. We wanted to keep the words short.
Go with Blinvisible or Blocked.
This post rendered blinvisible.
Yes. "This post is blinvisible" would be even groovier.