Something odd is going on with the list software. Earlier tonight I got an administrative request from the Somervillain list because someone had sent a message containing some BCC recipients, and since the list doesn't trust mail with BCCs, it flagged it for review. I reviewed it, approved it, and sent it on it's way. My copy showed up in my inbox a couple of minutes later.
Later on, I got another administrative request. When I clicked on it, it said there was nothing pending. I checked the request message again, and saw that it referred to the same request as earlier. I shrugged, and ignored it. Then I got another one. And another. So far I've gotten five requests in addition to the original, all referring to the same problematic message. The interesting thing about the additional requests is that each is dated a day earlier than the one preceding it. The time stamps so far have been:
2/12/04 - 5:00:03 PM
2/11/04 - 5:00:02 PM
2/10/04 - 5:00:02 PM
2/09/04 - 5:00:03 PM
2/08/04 - 5:00:02 PM
2/06/04 - 5:00:02 PM
Dunno why I haven't gotten one for the 7th yet.
Any thoughts as to what's going on?
As to the LAista list... How do I join the list?
Submit 2 photo ID's and 3 letters of recommendation and email Perkins. Good luck. I send some acceptance~ma your way. That Perkins is a tough list master.
Dunno why I haven't gotten one for the 7th yet.
Duh! It's an Orthodox list server.
Heh. THe one for the 7th showed up this morning. No more, though.
DX, when I was setting up the Laistas list, I noticed something that I did wrong when I set up the Somerivillains. I fixed it, and all those messages came unstuck.
If you start getting any more, then add me as an administrator for the Somervillains, so I can get the messages too, and see what's going on.
Okay, Tom, will do. And thanks for fixing it.
(It just occurred to me that the original message that triggered the administrative messages was actually sent on the 6th, wasn't it? Crap. Sorry, Victor.)
Warning: error_log: Unable to write to /home/httpd/vhosts/ in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 52
There has been an error. It's of the type we call fatal. Please don't be scared. You're not the one that's going to die.
Okay, where the $$&#&(@#& are the developers?
I was just trying to load my Message Center when it happened. Next try worked.
I was trying to post in natter around 7:23 a.m. EST
Warning: error_log: Unable to write to /home/httpd/vhosts/ phoenix/ logs/20040223_log.html in /home/httpd/vhosts/ /httpdocs/ classes/giles.php on line 52
There has been an error. It's of the type we call fatal. Please don't be scared. You're not the one that's going to die.
There was around an hour in which all I got was "server unreachable", no matter where I tried to get to on the board (from around 3am PST, IIRC).