Buffistas Building a Better Board
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
To-do list
DX, when I was setting up the Laistas list, I noticed something that I did wrong when I set up the Somerivillains. I fixed it, and all those messages came unstuck.
If you start getting any more, then add me as an administrator for the Somervillains, so I can get the messages too, and see what's going on.
Okay, Tom, will do. And thanks for fixing it.
(It just occurred to me that the original message that triggered the administrative messages was actually sent on the 6th, wasn't it? Crap. Sorry, Victor.)
Warning: error_log: Unable to write to /home/httpd/vhosts/buffistas.org/httpdocs/phoenix/www.buffistas.org/logs/20040218_log.html in /home/httpd/vhosts/buffistas.org/httpdocs/classes/giles.php on line 52
There has been an error. It's of the type we call fatal. Please don't be scared. You're not the one that's going to die.
Okay, where the $$&#&(@#& are the developers?
I was just trying to load my Message Center when it happened. Next try worked.
I was trying to post in natter around 7:23 a.m. EST
Warning: error_log: Unable to write to /home/httpd/vhosts/buffistas.org/httpdocs/ phoenix/www.buffistas.org/ logs/20040223_log.html in /home/httpd/vhosts/buffistas.org /httpdocs/ classes/giles.php on line 52
There has been an error. It's of the type we call fatal. Please don't be scared. You're not the one that's going to die.
There was around an hour in which all I got was "server unreachable", no matter where I tried to get to on the board (from around 3am PST, IIRC).
Did anything happen recently to the board code that would change the font on my screen?
For me, the board usually appears as Verdana (I think) but now it is showing up as a small Times Roman and the logo is not there, etc. It seems that Explorer is automatically switching the encoding from "Western European (Windows)" to "Western European (ISO)" but only with this site. Even if I manually switch it back (and doing this does make the font revert back to what I'm used to), with the next page, it happens again. This is true regardless of whether "auto-select" is checked.
Any suggestions to correct this?
There's been nary a change in months (sorry, folks).
Huh. My browser shows the encoding is "Western European (ISO)", but everything looks fine. Switching to (Windows) doesn't affect the display at all.
Can locality settings override a style sheet? I'm not familiar enough to say.
Okay, I've now tested this phenomenon on a number of sites and I definitely get different results switching between the two encoding settings, sometimes it's just the font, sometimes it's the graphics (on the upside, ISO eliminates banner ads). TWOP also switches itself back to the same encoding automatically with each page, Western European (Windows). Most other pages seem to default to that one as well (in my browser, at least).
I don't have any stylesheets attached via "Internet Options" and if I switch the font there from Times New Roman to Verdana (for example), then everything on The Phoenix becomes that font but one size (e.g. taglines aren't smaller and bolded) as they were before.
Besides being harder to read, I just find this bizarre as I've never changed any of these settings (besides long ago changing the text-size to smaller).
Can locality settings override a style sheet? I'm not familiar enough to say.
I was unable to, try as I might.
t /predictable
What version of IE are you using Megan?
I've noticed that I lose the style sheet and images when I'm using BitTorrent at high transfer rates, which must be some sort of resourse issue with that program. The page loads, but none of the additional files are received.
I'm using IE 6, which, after some fiddling, uninstalling, then reinstalling, seems to now be working as before. I think the problem may have stemmed from the fact that initially I did the minimal installation but have now installed all possible additional components. Or, maybe my switching ISPs recently triggered something and I just had to reinstall.
No harm, no foul... just half the day wasted as per usual.