Same data in an Excel chart, for those more visually minded:
[link] (5Kb)
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
We're going to have to start a promotional drive for skipping and skimming. Miracleman and billytea will be encouraged to post directly to COMM so people won't look through Natter for their posts. I can give up reading The Quotable Buffy for Lent.
I have to say that another site I'm affiliated with (the Save Farscape site over on is having a terrible time with HostRocket. They've flung up their hands in despair and are attempting to relocate the entire site and all the forums. Hostrocket frelled up the redirect on and has supplied almost nothing in the way of customer support.
Just... FYI.
Did we know that some bastard is squatting on
No -- that's us. We have .net, .com and .org.
t Duh. I got the "reserved for" message and was fooled.
How do we make it so .com and .net forward here?
Jesse, you have to log in to (our registrar), and point both of them to the URL [link]
Done! Wheeee!
I even remembered the password.
Has anyone written an external threadsucker (in the style of John H's for the Phoenix Board? Or would it be easier to simply provide an internal PHP script/page that dumps an entire thread to ``printable'' HTML (i.e. no sidebar, no first/previous/next/last links, etc.)?
And, in case anyone is wondering, yes, I'd be happy to code either or both.
[Edited to indicate that I know the proper term for the Phoenix is `forum' rather than `thread,' but `forumsucker' just sounds strange.]