Hey, ita? I know you asked this over at PF, but I figured it was probably best if I answered here.
I don't know about your host, but yes, the SSH server on my host is down and has been down all week. Can FTP, sure, but I can't access my web interface. Which both sucks and blows, and I'm about ready to submit a frelling trouble ticket asking them how long they think it's gonna be before I can download a gorram full site backup. It makes me twitchy not to have that access, considering how little help they were last time the server crashed and 3,000 files of my files went missing.
Nora was doing some checking of the databases.
She said so over on PeopleForum.
the SSH server on my host is down and has been down all week.
Shrift, would that explain why my blog won't update?
Shrift, would that explain why my blog won't update?
Possibly. Change the FTP server to the domain name (www.shriftweb.org), not the IP address, and see if that works.
If it doesn't, well, I can't change FTP passwords until they get me my frelling web interface access back.
Thanks for bringing us back ita. You rock. Now let's ownloadday the atabaseday and amscray ASAP.
In completely unrelated news, since Phoenix went down my work productivity went up over 300%. Weird coincidence, isn't it?
PURELY coincidental, I am sure.
It was easy work, cake walk stuff.
ita, blessings on you and on your krav, blessings on your house and your knives, blessings on your work time and your posting time.
t faux irish blessing, edited for applicability
Thanks ita, for getting us back up and running. I, and I'm sure other people too, am very very happy to be back "home."