"Blinvisible" and "What does this do?" links could simply go to an entry in the FAQ rather than a new page.
That's swell.
with your extra interface scenario, we also need errorchecking on the "add user" side, which I was trying to avoid by only allowing you to delete a user from that page. Would that have a negative impact on the usefulness, if you had to see someone's post to block them?
That's fine. Then we can just have a list box with a delete button and the FAQ link.
Two clicks (Hide-Unhide) isn't too many for the occasional task of seeing a post from someone you've decided never to again. It's less than it takes to unsubscribe from the Angel thread before watch-and-post. If you have to do it so much it bothers you, you might be wanting to give that user a second chance.
You know what just happened? Something weird just happened. I loaded Message Center, and it took a while, nob ig, but when it loaded? All in Times New Roman 12.
And then, when I loaded the next page (in a thread)? Back to regular.
Okay, it was just weird. I assuem someone got jiggy with the code for a second? Or, you know, my browser did?
That happens to me occasionally, Nutty. Doesn't seem to do anything long-term.
It was your browser. It happens to me once in a while, too. The browser loses touch with the style sheet.
Sounds like the stylesheet didn't load, Nutty. It's happened to me now and again. But whether that was a browser hiccup or something at the server end, I dunno.
I don't know anything about coding.
How does this hide/unhide affect threadsucking?
Don't hurt me.
t runs away
I say if you threadsuck, nothing gets filtered, and you live with it.
Unless that's more complicated than the other option.
I love you all talking code about this and I want to kiss each and every one of you. And when it gets done, I make you all cookies. I swear.
Dana is me.
It was just that the page reloaded with that post showing. Next time through, invisible again.
I think this is how it works at Prospero. I've blocked posters and just wanted to see a single post within a thread. When I go back to that thread, I'm pretty sure it's blocked again.
Also, since I was on vacation, I was wondering if anything was ever decided about the web space offer. Will CVS run on our server? Do I need to set up an account for you guys? Or have your needs already been met?