Forgive the ignorance, but is {next;} in your examples shorthand for "do whatever MARCIE does" or does it just mean "skip this post"?
Because I thought that MARCIE'd posts were going to look more like deleted ones, only with "this post made blinvisible by MARCIE" instead of "deleted by so and so."
That way, it's easier to see that there are posts other people are responding to, and the conversation looks less Dada-ish.
Which isn't supposed to sound condescending or dismissive, but I fear it may.
Not at all. Like I said, relational databases/SQL are my weak point. One of the reasons I like coding this place is because the code is so pretty -- it's a good framework from which to learn.
I shoulda just typed "BECAUSE IT'S WRONG!!!", shouldn't I?
No, but you shoulda typed Normalization.
Probably isn't even correct PHP code. Very much shorthand.
Jess, MARCIE display discussion starts about here:
ita, yes, that's the discussion I was referring to. I just wanted to know what {next;} means -- if it's real code, or shorthand.
[ah, question answered]
Okay, I'm still confused on how this CVS thing works but if you guys need someone to host it, and it's possible to host on our server, Monique and I are willing to give you however much space you need.
Well, not however much. I think we only have, like, 1 GB of server space available but you won't need more than that, right?
We're over on [link] if anyone wants to take a look and see.
If I'm misunderstanding how it works and you need something other than web space...well, it wouldn't be the first time I was an idiot.
I can do the text some time this weekend if someone can proof me, as I am the world's worst typist. I also may need someone to make it funny!
I can proof read for spelling and grammar, although I can't make promises about being funny.
But we're kinda stalled right now, lacking a bit of organisation and a central code repository.
Do we need to do some 'who's working on what?' stuff? (I'm just grabbing at the part I can do: asking people what they can do and telling them what's next on the to-do list.)
Kissing a woman romantically is kind of like the idea of skiing to me, there are lots of people who love it but it's not something that calls to me.
I can't find where it was said, but in the COMM thread over in WX, it's attributed to connie.
I couldn't get on to the board from about noon to 12:30 ET.