Okay, I'm still confused on how this CVS thing works but if you guys need someone to host it, and it's possible to host on our server, Monique and I are willing to give you however much space you need.
Well, not however much. I think we only have, like, 1 GB of server space available but you won't need more than that, right?
We're over on [link] if anyone wants to take a look and see.
If I'm misunderstanding how it works and you need something other than web space...well, it wouldn't be the first time I was an idiot.
I can do the text some time this weekend if someone can proof me, as I am the world's worst typist. I also may need someone to make it funny!
I can proof read for spelling and grammar, although I can't make promises about being funny.
But we're kinda stalled right now, lacking a bit of organisation and a central code repository.
Do we need to do some 'who's working on what?' stuff? (I'm just grabbing at the part I can do: asking people what they can do and telling them what's next on the to-do list.)
Kissing a woman romantically is kind of like the idea of skiing to me, there are lots of people who love it but it's not something that calls to me.
I can't find where it was said, but in the COMM thread over in WX, it's attributed to connie.
I couldn't get on to the board from about noon to 12:30 ET.
Me neither. Seemed like a network problem.
me three. The panic attack is slowly subsiding.
HostRocket went down for a bit.
Just some of Hostrocket.
Now that they've brought our server back up, I don't actually expect a response about what happened.
I think that the HTML page of finished votes should include a link to the discussion of each issue in the Lightbulb thread. If you question a policy, you'll be able to see the reasons we considered it in the first place, which is a lot better than tradition. For example, looking at Cindy's awesome table of results made me remember that I was once trying to build consensus for disallowing table tags. By now I can't even remember which way we decided, much less the reasons why. (Having tables hasn't hurt anything, of course.)