Hey all. I've skipped a lot so this may already be a Known Issue.
I've begun to notice that sometimes, posts appear, I read then, and then they seem to revert to being "new" when I get back to Message Center. This has only happened a few times I can think of, and it's only one or two posts at a time, but, you know, apocalyptic fears that my individual presence is breaking things.
An example of what happens: I go into Natter XVI, which has 1204 messages, 4 new. I read the 4 new. I go back to Message Center, see that there are 2 more new messages in Natter XVI, so I click on it again. And when I get there, the screen shows me #1204, which I've already read, standard context-post, and #1295, which I have also already read, and #1206, which is the only new post.
Doesn't happen with any consistency I can map, but it happens, and I worry. So. Any ideas?