I've put jengod's suggestion from Bureaucracy (a page for the geographic mailing lists) onto the feature requests list, and I'm quoting what she said here because I think it's a BaBB matter- hope you don't mind, jengod.
organize the lists and give them their own page. New istas of various geographic persuasions don't know they exist. Maybe something like a list of the lists, with radio buttons next to 'em, and a subscribe/unsubscribe button at the bottom.
AM - what is next on the list in order of importance?
The top of the list, in order, until someone tells me otherwise:
- CVS repository
- Move search out of beta
- Rearchitect code to use XML/XSLT
- Shorten long URLs
- Tag closer
- Ability to label bookmarks
- ENUF filter
* CVS repository
ita and Jon B. have access to the CVS repository; I'll be adding access for other developers just as soon as work stops being insane.
Okay -- CVS repository is Karl's to do, and he's got that one in process. You have the list of dev people, Karl?
Search out of beta is me -- this weekend looks tight, but next weekend looks good.
XML/XSLT has been volunteered for (at least phase I, before the PHP needs writing) by Michele and Plei.
Shorten long URLs -- prelim code already written, must be integrated. By me.
Same with tag closer.
The other two are undibbsed.
if someone is not a coder and not planning on learning is there anything we can do to help?
I'd like to take on the filtering function.
I feel like such a newbie asking this. Is there a search feature? Or one in the works?
Here's the URL for the search feature (which is still in Beta, and therefore not linked):