Okay -- CVS repository is Karl's to do, and he's got that one in process. You have the list of dev people, Karl?
Search out of beta is me -- this weekend looks tight, but next weekend looks good.
XML/XSLT has been volunteered for (at least phase I, before the PHP needs writing) by Michele and Plei.
Shorten long URLs -- prelim code already written, must be integrated. By me.
Same with tag closer.
The other two are undibbsed.
if someone is not a coder and not planning on learning is there anything we can do to help?
I'd like to take on the filtering function.
I feel like such a newbie asking this. Is there a search feature? Or one in the works?
Here's the URL for the search feature (which is still in Beta, and therefore not linked):
edit: not that funny, way too x-posty.
ita, is the developer's list up and running at this point? Because if so I'm not on it...
ita, I do not yet have the list of developers. Was it sent? Profile should be good.
The list is up and running, Michele, but nothing's been sent to it yet, so that's why you've not seen anything.
Karl, I'll get you a list of everyone that volunteered, later today.