That's not the same way the posting box works. It's just not visible if you're not logged in.
Right, sorry. I meant "by using whatever mechanism allows the posting box to only show up if you're logged in."
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
That's not the same way the posting box works. It's just not visible if you're not logged in.
Right, sorry. I meant "by using whatever mechanism allows the posting box to only show up if you're logged in."
The "search one thread" functionality is already there. Use search.php?thread_id=x where x is the thread id you want to search. Yes, ita rocks.
I do it all the time! But one click to get there? H. O. T.
ita - you have yourself 8 dates in 8 seconds, right here.
We just issued User ID # 700.
Dear fucking god.
Eep. Officially terrified. In a good way, of course, since new, cool people are something we want, but.. they're not all posting, obviously, so I've got a much stronger We Are Being Watched feeling than I did when I didn't know just how many lurkers there are. Hi, lurkers.
Uh. Wrod.
t edit xpost!
Alright. Jon's threadsuck has been rolled in. Please report any abnormalities.
Jon, I'm copying the modified changes to test so you can see what mods I made.