Anne, here's the format of the tag
<a href="http://putthe urlhere">One-word-hyperlink</a>
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Anne, here's the format of the tag
<a href="http://putthe urlhere">One-word-hyperlink</a>
My bad. I looked through the FAQ, but never saw it. Oh, well.
Thanks for the help.
I am Read New's bitch.
I knew I shoulda registered as "Read New" :)
Firstly, let me also add my oohs and aahs for the board and my congratulations to the folks involved in creating the software that runs it. Beauty!
I trust you'll be marketing it soon, as a viable alternative to the outrageously over-priced WebX :)
Now to add my 2c to the problems previously mentioned.
1) I'm also having problems with the Message Centre. For some reason it is only showing 2 threads, yet I've subscribed to 4. Clicking 'Read New' lets me read all of them but it is odd that they're not all showing up in the MC. I've tried selecting and unselecting and all that jazz but it hasn't made any difference.
2) I'm posting this via Mozilla 1.1 on WinXP and I've noticed the same thing about pages refreshing. If I click the 'back' or 'forward' buttons the page refreshes each time. This does not happen in Opera 6.04. I have no idea why the two are handling the script differently.
Okay, scratch what I said in #1. Message Centre is now working properly for me. It must have something to do with logging out and then back in because it wasn't working when I just clicked 'change settings' and carried on la di da
The linking thing is in the FAQ, but it's not in the How-to or HTML or quick edit links. It would probably be easier if it were. Those would be the places I would look, and did being a linking novice and all.
I just want to put on record the following behaviour.
I have a bookmark for my Message Centre.
When I start up my browser and click on it, the first time, I'm automatically redirected to the front page.
This is not because I'm logged out, because the front page knows who I am thanks to the "remember me" function.
On any subsequent time I use this bookmark, it works normally.
Its not the bookmark John. If you manually type your message center URL into the browser window it still bounces you to the home page. I think what is happening is that logging in is transferring you to the home page.
Makes sense does it not? You go the message center, not yet logged in. The board detects your cookie and logs you in. And that puts you at the home page, just as if you did not have "remember me" checked and logged in manually.
So "remember me" doesn't remember me then does it? It's really "log me in automatically" which I subconsciously want to happen transparently no matter which page I go to.
But we had this argument, or one like it, in August 2001 so let's not revisit it.
Actually, it depends on the page. Try going straight to this one -- does it kick you back anywhere?
I'm not sure what the difference is -- probably that you're not allowed on the message centre unless you're logged in, and it's checking for that before it remembers you.
I'll have to look.
it depends on the page. Try going straight to this one -- does it kick you back anywhere?
No, it doesn't. I copied, quit the browser, started again and pasted, and it took me right back here.
Right. It's the placing of the "are you logged in" code, I'd bet. The admin pages will probably kick you back too. I'll go look.