Actually, they did show Earshot out of order in Canada.
Oops, my mistake.
We got it in the correct order in Australia, for the record.
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Actually, they did show Earshot out of order in Canada.
Oops, my mistake.
We got it in the correct order in Australia, for the record.
that's exactly the kind of thing you don't know you want to know until you know it, and then it's cool.
The kind of thing I don't know I want to know until I know it is my favorite thing to know. I'm not (only) trying to play with those words, either. It's true.
That's exactly the point of any good database. Never leave out anything
Um, actually, I'm pro leaving some stuff out, myself. Now, while I think that knowing which episode is 100 is interesting, it would pretty much have to be stored, since we'll have to hit the database to find that number out unless it's stored, what with the variable number of episodes in a season.
Question is, why are we storing it? There needs to be a line in the sand, because obsessives like us will make the widest tables in the world.
As for "what next?" -- how many coding volunteers do we have again?
why are we storing it? There needs to be a line in the sand, because obsessives like us will make the widest tables in the world.
Are you saying you don't want to store the absolute number of each ep, only the season/number?
If we store only that number, we can calculate everything else, see above re: the formula.
I'm a volunteer coder, and gatherer.
I want to adopt Faith, and Willy.
Shall we put out some more widespread call about this? Not everyone reads this thread after all...
we can calculate everything else, see above re: the formula.
I'm against storing only the absolute episode number, because it will pretty much guarantee queries with a calculation in them, when people request stuff by season or episode within season number.
We can calculate in reverse, because I see way fewer reasons to ever query by absolute episode #.
I can tell I'm risking getting overinvested in this, when I'm not going to code.
But I volunteer for design, and for assuring stuff conforms to current Phoenix standards.
As for a call to arms, sure! Go!
I have a feature for release 3.2 of the search engine (which is in beta). Search by date to let you see if anyone mentioned your name today in Natter. I thought of this when we had some posts about scrappy's dental work 500 posts after the initial discussion.
I'd like to humbly request that we get features like the search engine and threadsuck out of beta before we embark on a new project.
I think Jessica should volunteer to be the collector of the special ME ID numbers for all the eps she has on tape/disk.
Um, don't tape, and have no interest in this project. Sorry.
I don't think the projects intersect, Jon.
Certainly I'm the only one involved in both, and they aren't pulling from the same resource space of me.
I'll volunteer to get the special ME ID numbers, but I may have to fake first season Angel codes until the DVDs come out, since I didn't tape all the shows then.