raunchy mature
If ever there was a porn star name...
Xander ,'Same Time, Same Place'
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
raunchy mature
If ever there was a porn star name...
What's the size of each 10k thread?
How comes the archiving notion?
What's taking up the bulk of the storage?
And, how much money? We're OK for money this year aren't we?
We're OK for money this year aren't we?
Jesse said we were sitting on surplus.
Well, threads are being archived here, so that doesn't save much space.
Hmm. Further investigation shows we have only 32MB of tables.
And by only I mean "only", since we're babies yet.
I have to request telnet access so I can du
the subdirectories. And I have to check if e-mail stored on the server counts to that total.
Oh, and in October we had a bandwidth of 17.6 of 20GB allowed. So that's okay. Although the 2nd and the 25th were very low. If we redo the numbers with them at average bandwidth (.6GB), that brings us up to 19.6GB/month. Which is pretty close to the wire.
October usage:
DayHitsFilesPagesVisitsSitesKBytes%age KB 186,56846,8613,340944606721,6893.91% 28,9374,74234412315671,2870.39% 385,18747,1484,1011,092669700,7443.79% 481,82442,7333,019909614620,8303.36% 547,98423,0881,798625472333,9011.81% 657,89831,3742,170646513435,9912.36% 783,72747,1023,6501,085702732,3143.96% 889,17748,0663,930959609745,7044.04% 983,68046,9834,005986652722,2453.91% 1075,04741,2983,444881601626,2933.39% 1178,02742,3932,673827581628,1553.40% 1240,45822,3481,648525417289,3421.57% 1352,51728,1762,111605510394,0222.13% 1482,22546,7963,915935618732,2973.96% 1599,44854,3774,225959682827,5224.48% 1692,13153,9154,3061,027666801,6814.34% 1775,24343,4463,104870595640,8093.47% 1879,72044,7223,099816579677,0113.66% 1954,24626,1771,678583484376,5582.04% 2049,01224,9771,750625547344,0881.86% 2173,53740,7473,026811556598,7273.24% 2292,91151,0523,684937630781,7594.23% 23105,08458,9794,1861,063684870,2134.71% 2489,45149,4943,407849574732,8603.97% 253,7422,0241474911030,3450.16% 2660,38432,1642,065712542443,8622.40% 2767,94137,1152,432773536501,8322.72% 2892,06653,5493,8421,057664803,5644.35% 2988,51952,5984,060967605776,7224.20% 3094,75254,8903,836972618789,0044.27% 3181,71547,9183,707893562726,4903.93% TOTAL2,253,1581,247,25292,70225,10517,35418,477,861
So what's the penalty for going over the bandwidth?
They shut the site down, if I read the fora right.
How comes the archiving notion?
I've got a threadsuck utility finished that's awaiting testing from ita (nudge, nudge ;) ).