I was so hoping for a much bigger Peter and Sylar smack-down. But super-hearing always beats out invisibility in the comics. Should have known.
And no scar. WTF?
Loved Bennet directing Matt.
All in all I enjoyed it. So sad there's only 4 more left this season.
that? was awesome!! i've missed this show.
Being involved with Jessica pretty much ensures scarring at some point.
Oh, I know he's still get scarred eventually, but I was just hoping this would be it, considering the cliffhanger.
The Peter we see in the promo for next week is scarred, so given that he clearly survives the explosion, he could easily have been scarred after that point (or during).
any speculation about what exactly Linderman wants with Micah? i think he's going to have him rig the election so Nathan wins.
ooh, voting machines, excellent!
It just occurred to me what Mama Petrelli's power might be. HRG said the tracking device was in NYC and Mama P. said she knew about her sons' abilities way before they did. Maybe she's a Hero Spotter.