I thought Claire's plan was to get up in the wheelwell, freeze to death/asphyxiate, and then revive when the plane landed.
I was not taking Heroes-verse tech into account, it seems. Where planes have access from the wheelwells into the body of the plane....
I thought Claire's plan was to get up in the wheelwell, freeze to death/asphyxiate, and then revive when the plane landed.
Me too! I thought we were going to have a long dramatic sequence of her clinging and reviving.
Instead we had a short dramatic sequence of her knowing just which people to uncover and everything going to hell. Also fun.
Does she look somehow "different" to anyone else? If she were older I'd think she had work done but there's not really anything to nip and tuck.
She was wearing a shitload of makeup. She looked like a fucking doll.
Also, blonder straightened hair.
Instead we had a short dramatic sequence of her knowing just which people to uncover and everything going to hell. Also fun.
Yeah, you have to handwave getting aboard the plane. But as to the other prisoners, how many are there, anyway?
A couple no-names fell out the hole, too.
I maintain that she figured out which hooded figure was Peter immediately via incesty attraction vibes.
Claire did look older. The wheel well thing, @@. The episode was choppy for me. It felt like it was 15 seconds per character in some order or other catch up time. I enjoyed many of the moments, but I think we need to cut down on the number of heroes that survive the plane crash.
I thought it was an okay episode, but I'm getting a little tired of them repurposing heroes into villians and vice versa to make the story. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the shades of grey, but these characters just go black/white/black/white. It makes me dizzy. Why can't they come up with new bad guys?
Also, Claire calls Peter to tell him his mom and Nathan are plotting against all the Powies, so the first thing he does is go to his mom's house? In person? And was Peter's Mohinder cab ride a real coincidence, or was Mohinder there for a reason?
And was Peter's Mohinder cab ride a real coincidence, or was Mohinder there for a reason?
It appears to be a real coincidence, and in this instance, I'm OK with it. It was a nice harkening back to the first episode, and I liked how, for that moment at least, the two of them seemed to have come to a bit of peace with their contentious past. There was no dithering about the connections between them, they didn't even have to spell it out. They both knew. That they got into what is, essentially, a political debate about an issue that directly effects them and was obviously weighing on both their minds -- with Mohinder protesting too much -- made sense. All in all, it was a quiet scene I was pleased with.
And I didn't even mind so much Mohinder doing an immediate turnaround on his philosophical position when confronted with the reality of it. A goodly number of people do.