And was Peter's Mohinder cab ride a real coincidence, or was Mohinder there for a reason?
It appears to be a real coincidence, and in this instance, I'm OK with it. It was a nice harkening back to the first episode, and I liked how, for that moment at least, the two of them seemed to have come to a bit of peace with their contentious past. There was no dithering about the connections between them, they didn't even have to spell it out. They both knew. That they got into what is, essentially, a political debate about an issue that directly effects them and was obviously weighing on both their minds -- with Mohinder protesting too much -- made sense. All in all, it was a quiet scene I was pleased with.
And I didn't even mind so much Mohinder doing an immediate turnaround on his philosophical position when confronted with the reality of it. A goodly number of people do.
I liked how, for that moment at least, the two of them seemed to have come to a bit of peace with their contentious past. There was no dithering about the connections between them, they didn't even have to spell it out. They both knew.
I liked the "Have you ever thought that you're meant to do something extraordinary?" callback. It was cute.
Clare's makeup was distracting. Reminds me of Oprah talking about her makeup guy...same fellow for the last 25 years...and his 80's choices. What were they thinking!
I, too, was appalled by Peter's waltzing into his mother's house as if he hadn't heard Clare speaking. She must get tired of everything she says being heard as radio-gaga.
When has she been wrong?
You know what bothered me? Peter just leaving the scene of the accident and hopping into a cab. Don't you have to go back to the station or whatever and check out your ambulance?
Peter is so cute that I'm tempted to handwave that the accident happened in front of the EMT squad house just as he was going off-duty....
Peter also had a partner.
Also? Peter's superpower is Epic Stupidity, right?
"Nathan responds by using Peter's weakness for brother-touching to distract him so Bennet can incapacitate him. Cold, but very smart."
You'd think after how things turned out after his dad asked him for a hug, Peter would know better.
She was wearing a shitload of makeup. She looked like a fucking doll.
Yeah. She looked terribly fake, which is a shame.
ION, I was talking to a co-worker and he negated my musings that Peter may temporarily steal people's powers ala Rogue in that Nathan flew right after Peter got him out of Pinehearst. So apparently he does only duplicate via touch rather than outright borrowing (much like his empathy ability worked until his training with Dr. Where.) I hope they leave it at that he's not able to train himself back up into keeping all the powers again.
Another random thought I had, and I think this would be kind of fun but highly-unlikely, is that Hiro hasn't really lost his powers, but rather Papa Petrelli leaves the powers really, really weakened to the point where they're indistinguishable from gone. But they're still there. Which means Ando could use his super-charge power to give Hiro the ability to use his, giving them a sort of Wonder Twins effect. Sadly, I really don't see that happening, though.
Kalshane, I think that you're right. I can see a situation where Hiro and Ando clutch hands right before the moment of death.
Heh, we could portmanteaux them as Hando then.
:: pauses to admire Vonnie K.'s shriek of horror ::
But if I were the producers, I'd SO write that scene in.