Is HRG a perv or am I remembering the end of the last episode wrong? I thought he had Sylar in his gunsight... did he wait until they were in flagrante delicto before he started shooting?
Also, am I the only one who thought Seth Green was lying about the legendary bike messenger just to get them out of his shop?
Coolness: I don't recall Nathan ever using rocket take-off as a weapon before. That was totally wicked.
Yeah, HRG did have Sylar in the cross-hairs. They just ignored that I guess.
Loved Seth Green and memfault. Best Day Ever.
I thought Peter would get his powers back too after the eclipse was over.
Doesn't Sylar have teleporting ability too?
No, only FuturePresident!Sylar had the opportunity to eatstudy Hiro's brain.
Thanks Matt.
Anybody get what Hatian's brother's power was? Was it also invulnerability like Claire and Adam (and Sylar and onceandfuture!Peter and Arthur...)?
Was it also invulnerability like Claire and Adam
that's the impression I got but I don't think they came right out and said it.
Was it also invulnerability like Claire and Adam
It was invulnerability, exactly. But that's not what Claire and Adam have. Claire and Adam are totally vulnerable; they just heal. Baron Samedi is invulnerable, like the Nemean lion.
Also, am I the only one who thought Seth Green was lying about the legendary bike messenger just to get them out of his shop?
No. That was actually in a Season One episode, right before Issac dies.
Baron Samedi is invulnerable, like the Nemean lion.
Got it. That would also explain why he could be killed. I don't think the Hatian could kill Claire.
We haven't seen Samedi's body yet. And I think the Haitian could make Claire as good as dead by messing with her mind.
That was actually in a Season One episode, right before Issac dies.
ahh, OK. Cool. Must have been his delivery.
I thought Peter would get his powers back too after the eclipse was over.
I was expecting Peter to get shot, only to discover he'd mirrored Samedi's invulnerability power and survive.
I'm still thinking he may have them back and just doesn't realize it yet. Though I imagine he would be back to square one and have to
I'm totally okay with it, since I thought it was a stupid idea in the first place.
PC is me. I've never liked the idea, and thought Mama P was manipulating Sylar from day one. I was disappointed when it was seeming more and more like it was the actual truth.
Is it just me, or do the writers have absolutely no clue WTF they're doing with Sylar? He's evil. No, he's a Petrelli. Now he's an evil Petrelli. But still kind of good. Sometimes. Wait, he doesn't have to kill, he's an empath just like Peter and gaining powers that way feeds the hunger! Nevermind, he does have to kill (or at least likes doing it.)
And what's up with HRG not putting a clip into Sylar's brain just to be sure after cutting his throat? He knows better than that.