Yeah, there was a lot of bad in Heroes this past season. The gemelos aburridos brought enough suck for several seasons. But, there was enough good to remind me that even bad Heroes is better than 90% of other TV.
I liked KB even though her storyline didn't really go anywhere. And I liked Papa Goldfinger, thought he was a good villian (all the more so because he looks so milquetoast). Monica and the NO clan have the potential to be intersting (although again that potential was squandered this year). The actress who plays Monica is very likeable and she's got a hella cool power. And they have to have bigger plans for Nichelle Nichols than standing around her kitchen and looking sassy. Hiro's storyline annoyed me for almost the entire season, but the endgame kicked all kinds of ass and started to flesh out how we get from fluffy bunny Hiro to Future!Hiro. It was the year of the mama's with both Mama P and Sandra Bennet kicking tremendous amounts of boot-ay. HRG continued to pwn all he surveyed. Nikki died (even if it doesn't take, it was sweet, sweet satisfaction while it lasted) and Mohinder got a well deserved beat down. And then his ex-boyfriend came back and broke up his happy, happy domestic partnership. Nathan/Matt were the most unlikely dynamic duo ever. And I am shallow, so goddammit I LOVED me some nekkid Peter Petrelli!
Was it a let down from S1? Yeah. But I'm still psyched for it to come back. I have faith that they'll pull it together for S3.