I kinda gotta agree with him on some points. I mean, the writers' strike, I think, is the primary thing that made it seem cramped and unfocused, and they probably had awesome sweeping epic arcs in mind when they started, but the end product was...not as good as I hoped.
I wanted more Hiro! Even MartyMcFly!Hiro was awesome! I didn't mind Takezo Kensei/Adam so much until he showed up in the present. That could have been awesome, but then they just relegated him to Generic Bad Guy with Generic Bad Guy Plot. "I'm going to unleash a virus and destroy the world! Because some dork stole my girl four hundred years ago. Wah me!" Dude. Four hundred years ago. You've had more than ample time to get the fuck over it. I would much rather if his Plot would have been "I'm killing these fuckers because they jerked me around. Once I'm done, I'm out. Oh, and there's this virus that probably somebody should destroy, but I'ma steal it just in case a new group of World Changing Fucktards forms and decides to bother my ass again." And then have him succeed and keep him in reserve as a constant potential threat ala Victor Von Doom.
Peter Petrelli has always annoyed me, so I was actually kinda relieved when they spent a lot of time making sure he didn't have much to do. "He's amnesiac! He doesn't know who he is!" Great, maybe we can take this opportunity to give him a less whiny-bitch persona, just...oh, crap. He got his memory back. He's still an idiot. Oh, well.
Mohinder needs to be shot into space.
Miracle Blood pisses me off. "He's dead. But he knows a guy so it's cool." There should be consequences to that. Like they're completely psychologically fucked up or something. Or a zombie.
And if Miracle Blood starts giving random folk superpowers as well as restoring superpowers, I give up.
Noah is still the coolest guy to walk the face of the Earth.
These are my random thoughts. There are more, natch, but they are even more muddled so I will spare you.