I really enjoyed last night's episode - I think mainly because it moved the story forward a lot, even though it was so Peter-centric. I honestly didn't miss the others at all because they were telling an interesting story.
I didn't have much invested in Kensei, but he's way more interesting with the added-Adam backstory.
Elle is sure a psychopath.
I'm wondering now who was holding Sylar and if it was OWI, why they were holding him in the middle of nowhere instead of in the Adam/Peter prison.
And talk about the HoYay! This episode was overflowing with it.
I find myself weirdly curious about Alejandro's bride - why was she marrying him after inly 4 months and why was her ex so into not only sleeping with her at her wedding but keeping it quiet?
Not enough to want it on screen. I'd like a footnote, I think.
Yeah, that was kind of . . . odd. I mean, are Los gemelos aburridos fabulously wealthy or something? If so, why not fly to NYC?
If so, why not fly to NYC?
Maybe she's afraid of flying. If they hit a little turbulence, she could freak out, and the pilot, and everyone else on the plane could DIE.
...Which would be a small price to pay for the greater good of getting Alejandro and Maya OFF MY SCREEN.
Exactly. I can't figure it out.
I don't quite understand the scope of Maya's power. If she managed to take out everyone at the wedding (and boy, that could have been cool if the storyline didn't suck), then the death toll should have been higher the other times we've seen her use her power.
Dana, I agree. I can't believe she killed that entire wedding. Or possibly everyone in that village - it's really difficult to judge.
I don't quite understand the scope of Maya's power. If she managed to take out everyone at the wedding (and boy, that could have been cool if the storyline didn't suck), then the death toll should have been higher the other times we've seen her use her power.
Maybe it's a matter of her stress level. Getting arrested is only asphyxiation in her immediate vicinity, but getting threatened by new sister-in-law's ex-boyfriend after catching them shtupping at the wedding: that's gotta be worth a block or two.
By the way - anyone ID the agent who talked to Peter and brought him to his mother? He looked really familiar.
He also played the Russian nobleman/sorcerer from the "Waiting in the Wings" episode of Angel.
I was also surprised that Matt could suddenly trap his dad in a nightmare. I mean, his dad has been doing this for years and he can't get out now?
If willpower plays into it, Parkman was effectively a parent fighting for his child's life and using a couple decades of anger over being abandoned as his weapon. I can see that trumping greater experience with psychic combat in the one instance.
It's kind of weird that two single straight guys, Mohinder and Matt, are in charge of little Molly. Is this arrangement legal?
Do we know for sure that Mohinder is straight? 'Cause there are a number of scenes with Sylar from Season 1 that might imply otherwise...
Tim Kring to fans: D'oh!
I actually thought Monica was introduced in a way that tied in with the existing characters' storylines, namely Micah's. Not coincidentally, she's the one new character I really like.
I got a question. Say my heretofore unaware-that-he-is-a-time-traveler boyfriend yanks me into the future and then leaves me there. If he and his superpowered friends end up changing the future, what happens to me?
Presumably you get deported to Apocalyptic Future Ireland and live out the rest of your life in a plague-ridden divergent alternate future that they prevent in their own timeline. Sucks to be you.
two single straight guys, Mohinder and Matt
What show is HE watching???