By the way - anyone ID the agent who talked to Peter and brought him to his mother? He looked really familiar.
He also played the Russian nobleman/sorcerer from the "Waiting in the Wings" episode of Angel.
I was also surprised that Matt could suddenly trap his dad in a nightmare. I mean, his dad has been doing this for years and he can't get out now?
If willpower plays into it, Parkman was effectively a parent fighting for his child's life and using a couple decades of anger over being abandoned as his weapon. I can see that trumping greater experience with psychic combat in the one instance.
It's kind of weird that two single straight guys, Mohinder and Matt, are in charge of little Molly. Is this arrangement legal?
Do we know for sure that Mohinder is straight? 'Cause there are a number of scenes with Sylar from Season 1 that might imply otherwise...
Tim Kring to fans: D'oh!
I actually thought Monica was introduced in a way that tied in with the existing characters' storylines, namely Micah's. Not coincidentally, she's the one new character I really like.
I got a question. Say my heretofore unaware-that-he-is-a-time-traveler boyfriend yanks me into the future and then leaves me there. If he and his superpowered friends end up changing the future, what happens to me?
Presumably you get deported to Apocalyptic Future Ireland and live out the rest of your life in a plague-ridden divergent alternate future that they prevent in their own timeline. Sucks to be you.
two single straight guys, Mohinder and Matt
What show is HE watching???
Yeah, at least Paul Riser and Greg Evigan had separate bedrooms!
Maya and Alejandro are the ones that I hate. . . both Monica and Elle were introduced in the story of one of the established characters which makes them feel more organic to the show. Well, at least to me.
Plus, Elle is just freaking awesome!
And totally batshit crazy to boot.
I like KB's intro too. I think it's interesting to compare her to ElectroGwen. You can see elements of just wanting to be touched in both. I think Gwen probably had some sociopathic tendencies too - remember how much glee she had in shocking Angel. How much sociopathic fun comes from the inability to lead a normal life, vs being born evil? In superpower land, nsm real world. Sylar seems much more evil, in a Warren sort of way, because he chose to be evil and could have been not evil.
I don't know. If I never had the ability to touch someone without them hating me or killing them... I might turn bitter and then enjoy hurting others too.
Elle is fun. The line about beiong diagnosed as a sociopath with paranoid delusions "but they were just out to get me because I threatened to kill them" was delightful.
I like Monica a lot, aside from the accent. And the bizarro county reference, which I will forgive if it never happens again. If the actress just used what I assume her native accent and speak like she did on The Nine it would be so much less distracting. For me.
Do we know that Elle has to shock people when she touches them? I'd been assuming since she can control the voltage, she could also turn it off if she wanted to.
I suspect being raised in a box by the Company does not lead one to the healthiest of mental states.