Oh, so not happy about D.L. coming back and then dying for real. (Or, I mean, hopefully not for real? I don't know, though. That seemed like a lot of blood.)
I'm really confused by Niki and Micah's storyline in particular. When Niki dropped off Micah with his grandmother and cousins in the first or second episode, I got the impression that it was the first time he had met his cousins, yet at that point in the storyline, as I understand it, D.L. was already dead and they'd had his funeral already at Grandma Uhura Hawkins' house. How long ago was it that D.L. died, and how long was it after that when Niki left Micah in New Orleans?
I didn't know that D.L. starred in
Layer Cake.
So. That beard Nathan was sporting at the beginning of this season. Grew in...two weeks?
Does Sark'sAdam's magical healing blood have any other unpleasant side effects we should know about?
I didn't know that D.L. starred in Layer Cake.
Um... the British movie with Daniel Craig?
Oh, right! Daniel Craig! Silly me.
Same ending
. Except
Layer Cake's
was way more cool.
(the sarcasm got left behind in my head and didn't make it to the screen).
Not only did he grow that raging Grizzly Adams beard, but he also became a raging drunk.
And exactly how did Peter survive, what, 2-3 weeks in that ipod crate with no food, no water. I know he's got the healing power, but dude's gotta eat, right?
And how did the Haitian get from packing Peter up into the ipod crate to dying from the virus/hating himself in Haiti? (And for pity's sake give that man a name!)
As for the previews, why they gotta mess up Mo's pretty, pretty face, huh? And I cannot wait for the new and inventive ways the show will come up with to get Peter's shirt off.
Maybe Peter meets a Hero with a Shirt Rip Off power?
That would be Sylar.
If he gets his powers back.
I really enjoyed last night's episode - I think mainly because it moved the story forward a lot, even though it was so Peter-centric. I honestly didn't miss the others at all because they were telling an interesting story.
I didn't have much invested in Kensei, but he's way more interesting with the added-Adam backstory.
Elle is sure a psychopath.
I'm wondering now who was holding Sylar and if it was OWI, why they were holding him in the middle of nowhere instead of in the Adam/Peter prison.
And talk about the HoYay! This episode was overflowing with it.