i'm not seeing how they showed us anything new with the wonder twins storyline. i mean, duh, she killed a bunch of people. we knew that since they were wanted for homicido. we would have been much better served to see how the my two dads storyline came to be.
Awww, thanks tiggy! That would have been my first COMM.
aww...well maybe i'll do it anyway.
I think I have decided since we still haven't actually seen D.L.'s body, that he's not dead.
You know, as much as I love Takezo/Adam (and I do love him. 'deed I do) having him around did not redeem the suck that was the "Hiro in feudal Japan" storyline. Likewise, there is really no payoff that will redeem the twins storyline for me. They are just a big vat of suck with the most ass-tastic "power" ever.
I wonder how Mama P. is going to rationalize Nathan's miracle cure to him. Cause, I mean, she's gotta know that Peter's still alive. If the Hatian's up in Tobby's business, that means Mama P. has to know something, and she must've sent him to save Peter from Elle (although, thankfully, not to save his shirt!). So that means she's just been letting Nathan suffer all these months. Damn, Mama P. You are one stone cold bitch.
I really like how we don't yet know who the bad guy is. Bob or Adam? Last week it seemed like the latter, but this week my kittens are on the former....
Yeah. They really could have started with that.
Huh. Apparently this viral marketing clip was around the web last week.
Oh, so not happy about D.L. coming back and then dying for real. (Or, I mean, hopefully not for real? I don't know, though. That seemed like a lot of blood.)
I'm really confused by Niki and Micah's storyline in particular. When Niki dropped off Micah with his grandmother and cousins in the first or second episode, I got the impression that it was the first time he had met his cousins, yet at that point in the storyline, as I understand it, D.L. was already dead and they'd had his funeral already at Grandma Uhura Hawkins' house. How long ago was it that D.L. died, and how long was it after that when Niki left Micah in New Orleans?
I didn't know that D.L. starred in
Layer Cake.
So. That beard Nathan was sporting at the beginning of this season. Grew in...two weeks?
Does Sark'sAdam's magical healing blood have any other unpleasant side effects we should know about?