we have a rehash of the same plotline from last year changing only nuclear explosion to superflu.
I was more annoyed that they found out about having to save the world in New York again. That seemed more of a rehash to me. There are other major cities that they could have landed in.
Yeah, but other major cities wouldn't have Angela Petrelli.
I think the virus plotline has the potential to raise issues about the mutations/superpowers, whereas the big boom was a little more of a traditional "save the world!" thing. But they haven't really raised any of those issues yet.
Greg and Sendhil picketing with the writers (because they're AWESOME like that):
I don't mind them having to save the world again. But why introduce the danger again through the jump-to-the-future-and-back lens? Why can't the heroes discover the big bads and world-threatening-plots in other ways? Like Jack Bauer does.
Also, why can't all of last season's heroes finally meet? I'm sick of each of them still running into one another and barely knowing whom each other is. I can't keep track of who met whom when.
Once you take the bar to "save the world," you can't really lower it.
Rejected slogans for this season:
- How do you stop an exploding ant?
That seemed more of a rehash to me. There are other major cities that they could have landed in.
Actually, it really couldn't have been. Peter specifically wanted to know who he was and what the future held -- which took him to the future of his home city.
Peter specifically wanted to know who he was and what the future held -- which took him to the future of his home city.
That may be true, but they could have had Peter musing about something else that would have taken him elsewhere, or kept him in Montreal.
I'm willing to forgive all plot devices that end in beautiful naked people being hosed down.