I can admire that they own up to missteps (although to tell the truth, I didn't think the missteps were all that bad. I mean really. We've seen way worse, and they were nowhere near unsalvagable.)
Still, I'm glad to see they're looking ot make things better.
I'm also glad that he's acknowledged some of the weaknesses this season. But I have to say, I hate the future virus threat storyline. Once again, we have a rehash of the same plotline from last year changing only nuclear explosion to superflu. I'm actually sick of the whole time-travel component to this show.* Why can't Hiro and Peter simply fight evil by freezing time and teleporting through space? After last season, I could not have felt less tension when Peter and memfault landed in empty future NY. Big deal, they're going to avert the virus threat and this future will have never happened.
- The odd thing is, I have nothing against time-travel per se as I am a big fan of Journeyman.
My faith in Tim Kring is restored, big-time. As long as the "newbies slated for not lasting past this volume" doesn't include KB.
I don't think so. She was one of the newbies he said they introduced properly!
That was my gut feeling too, but I've been known to be wrong. Not that I think I am here; everyone loves KB!
Yeah I'm little disppointed that it's "blah blah blah save the world" again but that's a pretty standard issue plot device for comic books. Every time the show does something I take issue with I end up realizing that it's something consistent with comic books and therefore acceptable within the comic book world Heroes inhabits.
I mean, what else can they do, really? Once you take the bar to "save the world," you can't really lower it.
we have a rehash of the same plotline from last year changing only nuclear explosion to superflu.
I was more annoyed that they found out about having to save the world in New York again. That seemed more of a rehash to me. There are other major cities that they could have landed in.
Yeah, but other major cities wouldn't have Angela Petrelli.