I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that one of Isaac's paintings is of an event that will take place in the past.
ETA: Well, it did take place in Hiro's relative future at that point. It's possible the clairvoyance follows a person's relative path, as opposed to an absolute linear timeline.
Or, to quoth The Doctor: People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff.
Umm I'm sorry I got a bit heated in the discussion. Obviously, on the subject of bullying I've got issues.
In terms of the Hiro storyline. The bit about the kiss "breaking history" might be the ultimate cause of whatever is endangering the world; this would not stop any of the things people are speculating about being the proximate cause.
Huh. If this were the usual sort of plot, I'd expect Hiro to get rid of Kensei and then take his name (his girl, his sword, etc.) and go on to set history straight. For this show ....
If this were the usual sort of plot, I'd expect Hiro to get rid of Kensei and then take his name (his girl, his sword, etc.) and go on to set history straight.
The real obstacle I see to this is that he can't return to our time to fight evil (or would have to return aged 20 years). ..
West and HRG smackdown? that should be interesting.
ohmigosh, HRG could kill West with his pinky.
...Let's have this be next week's episode!
ohmigosh, HRG could kill West with his pinky.
Yeah, I say they trade off. Leave Maury the Nightmare Man to HRG and The Haitian Sensation, and have Nathan smack down West.
oh, now that's fucking awesome.
I would LOVE to see Matt's dad go against "The Haitian." That's not even a fair fight I suppose since the Haitian can nullify.
That's not even a fair fight I suppose since the Haitian can nullify.
Which of course Maury probably knows. But still, it would be badass.
We don't know how much the Haitian can nullify. Parkman's powers were pretty rudimentary compared to what his dad can do... and from a distance as well if Molly's anything to judge by.
I find myself hoping that West gets distracted by showing off to Claire and fails to notice the albatross he's headed towards at 80mph.
The bit about the kiss "breaking history" might be the ultimate cause of whatever is endangering the world; this would not stop any of the things people are speculating about being the proximate cause.
I don't think the kiss has broken history. If it had, the sword with Hiro's post-kiss message couldn't have made it to Ando in our timeline.