There was a syringe in one, no?
Naturally, loved HRG speaking Russian.
And I admit that the uh, prank, did make me like West a bit. . . although talk about NOT staying lowkey.
Okay, enjoyed the stuff in Japan. Particularly, Kensei knocking Hiro out.
And Mohinder - still with the bad choice-making.
ew ew ew, I thought the "prank" was supremely fucked up and made me dislike Claire on par with my dislike of West. He's a peeping Tom with a Superman complex as far as I can tell.
Also wanted to hit Mohinder for his continuing tool-like behavior. Wanted to hit Sylar for morphing from creepy evil villain guy to just creepy evil exposition guy. And so wanted to hit Peter for bringing the Irish girl along for no explicable reason. In fact, only one I didn't want to hit was HRG, which is probably a good thing because he could kill me.
Actually, Julie said what I meant: OWI probably "cured her" to more like the personality that's useful to them.
So, are we thinking man with smoking gun in Isaac's painting is this "Adam" character or is that supposed to be West?
Please tell me there's not a Batman joke in there somewhere.
I think I'm on the side of mildly liking prank - especially since the witchy cheerleader wasn't physically hurt during the prank. If in running away from West she had been hurt, that would have been really fucked up.
But, her bullshit hazing techniques for the other cheerleaders on her squad and her drinking on school grounds was not cool with me. She needed to be off the squad for that behavior (either one, and definitely both) anyway.
Not to mention, DWI is one of my issues and if she blew a .13, are you going to tell me that she wouldn't have been driving buzzed after the hazing?
ew ew ew, I thought the "prank" was supremely fucked up and made me dislike Claire on par with my dislike of West.
On this side of the fence. She needed to be pranked, but I didn't like the method.
Happy enough to have Peter back, but why oh why do we have Irish chick?
Bottom line, Sylar needs to get his power back because the show is a bit cast heavy. Of course, HRG can do some of the thinning out too.
ew ew ew, I thought the "prank" was supremely fucked up and made me dislike Claire on par with my dislike of West.
I agree with this, and I also thought it was supremely stupid for a girl who is supposed to be trying to blend in.
Is New Orleans' chick's accent as terrible as I think it is?
Yes. I complain every week. The whole New Orleans thing throws me completely out of the story. From the crap accents to the chick saying, "Half this
It doesn't even look like New Orleans.
Well, Japan looked extremely Californian this week. The dryness really had me noticing it. . .of course, it looks v. Californian every week just even more so this week.
I don't think the prank was that effed up -- bitchy girl and everyone else end up thinking she drank too much.