And why is everyone on this show exponentially hotter than they were before?
Speaking for the male audience, even Claire is hotter.
I loved, loved HRG telling Claire some home truths about what the Company would do to her if they get their hands on her.
Oh, yeah. It hammers home exactly why he's so protective of her. Because he's not wrong. Claire's power specifically means they can and will inflict horrendous amounts of pain on her, just for the hell of it.
I loved Mohinder speaking French!
Except he had such an American accent, it totally threw me.
Agree with the general hotness factor of almost everyone in this episode.
Loved Mama Petrelli's silent scream.
Also, amusingly enough, Takezo Kensei went from being the Dread Pirate Kensei to Inigo Montoya.
My Tivo cut off a little bit at the end. What happened after Claire saw Flying Boy at the window and stood up to go after him?
She goes outside to find Chandra Suresh's book in the driveway and steadfastly
refuses to look up
despite the fact that Mr. Muggles is
clearly barking at something in the sky.
So Claire is the new Mohinder (doing dumb ass things), while Mohinder is busy being really hot speaking French?
Thanks, P-C.
My TIvo cut off too...
So, Claire cut off her toe (I only saw up to her looking at the lizard in the book). Did Wes see her? And then Mr. Muggles was barking, Wes left Claire the book, and then CLaire refused to look up? Did I miss anything else?
I can't imagine that Voyeur Boy could have seen that much considering it was just the little toe on the foot away from the window—it might have just looked like Claire's into cutting rather than being anything obviously unnatural. I think he fled because he was spotted.
Anyone else ready for a cut to a view of Noah in the next window over taking aim?
Anyone else ready for a cut to a view of Noah in the next window over taking aim?
Oh, hell yes to the nth degree.
Claire cutting off her toe was brilliant, if painful. Good lord, I do not miss being a teenager. (Hands up everyone who absent-mindedly gave themselves horrible bangs in high school and then wished for regeneration powers!)
And YAY Not!Sark also having regeneration powers. He's far too good looking to be killed off that quickly.
Nathan's big bushy beard needs to GO. It is beyond awful.