Well, it wrapped up that New York won't be exploded. I am disappointed that Sylar is not dead. I don't think an alliance of necessity with him would turn him into a good guy. Just a delay in the moment he and the heroes start trying to kill each other again.
Besides we have already had our flip: Nikki/Jessica is canonically a serial killer.
rockin' build-up and then consistently weak conclusions.
This seems epidemic and likely to put me off bothering to watch shows on the internet. I mean, I resist having a tv for a reason and the consistently dissatisfying lack of resolution is making the time seem unworthwhile.
I felt this way about the XFiles, and many of its progeny.
At least Buffy and Angel offered some closure while leaving a few doors open.
I've really enjoyed reading this thread this season, but I'm thinking that I'm enjoying y'all's enjoyment more than the actual show.
While I thought the bit with Charles and Peter was lovely, just as dialogue, I really wanted to know if a) he had a power; b) Peter *had* that power from working with him, but didn't know until Charles told him; and c) that whatever that power was would Save The Day. Since none of those things actually happened, it was an entirely useless exchange that only gave me pretty pretty Simone, and was otherwise more of the narrative junk strewn around this finale.
Maybe we're all thinking too short term, and the ultimate resolution for Peter "love" (or whatever) power won't show up until next season (or maybe even the final season, whenever that is)?
This should have been a two-part finale
I think it was. Last week, radio ads were advertising it as the beginning of the season finale.
This seems epidemic and likely to put me off bothering to watch shows on the internet. I mean, I resist having a tv for a reason and the consistently dissatisfying lack of resolution is making the time seem unworthwhile.
Nikki/Jessica is canonically a serial killer
Speaking of that, does anyone think that N is finally free of J? In that last scene with Micah in the closet, she looks in the mirror and, from what I can tell, only sees herself. Was that "I'm not strong enough" and then the kicking of ass supposed to indicate some sort of mental reconciliation between her and her brain twin? If so, lame, and also, not nearly clear enough.
Maybe we're all thinking too short term, and the ultimate resolution for Peter "love" (or whatever) power won't show up until next season (or maybe even the final season, whenever that is)?
As much as I think I would like that narratively, it would drive me nutso to watch, and I really don't think Heroes plays that long a game. Particularly not with this underwhelming finale as evidence. But I would like to be proven wrong.
P-C, according to epguides [link] it's a 23 episode season. So that was it, unfortunately. No second part.
He means yesterday's episode was the second half.
That is indeed what I mean.
Oh--sorry, I didn't get that. The advertising doesn't quite reach here. *g*