P-C, according to epguides [link] it's a 23 episode season. So that was it, unfortunately. No second part.
He means yesterday's episode was the second half.
That is indeed what I mean.
Oh--sorry, I didn't get that. The advertising doesn't quite reach here. *g*
I thought Charles's power was magical negritude. It would have been very obvious if Peter began manifesting that power.
I'm staying in my dreaming-related power camp, which the finale reinforced, rather than lessened.
I think too -- some sort of dream-walking.
Wasn't that also the power of that little boy in India that Mohinder saw early on in the season? I'm sorta sad they dropped that story line, but who knows? It could get picked up next season.
I have zero doubt that Peter survived. Almost canonical. He survived in the alternate universe. If he can recover from being the center of an atomic explosion, he can recover from going splat after dropping 50,000 feet. Especially since he has flight + TK + superstrength in adddition to come-back-from-the-dead.
Nathan-not so much. But I can think of one way it can happen. Near future, Future!Peter (from this timeline) eventually goes back and rescues Nathan seconds the explosion, bringing him to the near future time. Minimal paradox. No internactions between Nathan and timeline between time of explosion and time Future!Peter brings him to.
Unrelated subject: read latest comic to find out
what active character is harder to see than Claude.