I don't see Mama Petrelli as being that attached to Claire.
I'm doubtful that Peter could actually survive that explosion, at least on the strength of Claire's recuperative abilities alone. Now if Ted's immunity to his own power was total, then maybe all he has to regenerate from is a fall at terminal velocity (~120 mph, so probably not lethal unless he lands head first).
The big cheering moments for me were all Hiro and Nikki.
I approve if Sylar is still alive, because it means he can occasionally drunk-dial Mohinder.
Man, the stuff one can't COMM from this thread.
hey, now. We still have Mohinder and DL. and think, we'll probably have all new hottness next season.
True, but... Peter! The emo hair was just starting to grow on me...
Peter's coming back. We still have to find out how he gets his scar.
Nathan tosses Peter, Peter 'splodes, survives 'sploding, Natan catches him. Both live.
Something I haven't seen mentioned is, the Mohinderlogue from the start of the episode was the same as at the start of the Pilot. The one at the end I'm not sure about...did anyone recognize it?
We know from the "Five Years Gone" episode that Peter can survive exploding, so I never thought he was dead. Nathan, on the other hand, is very likely well and truly nuked. Though he could have tossed Peter free and flew out of range of the explosion.
Sylar getting away after Hiro running him through the gut bugs, though I'm fine with the "Gets eaten by the villain of season 2" theory. Apparently he killed someone with cockroach powers somewhere along the way, because he sure seems to survive ridiculous levels of injury.
Plus, I really question why HRG wouldn't have emptied a clip into Sylar's head "Just to be sure", broken arm or no.
When, oh, when will Hiro learn to fucking cut. off. Sylar's. head!!!1!!1
That's my only complaint. Otherwise, teh awesome.
How come Peter could pick up Niki's power five seconds after he met her, but he couldn't fly himself away?
I'm assuming that we are not going to have the entire season 2 in feudal Japan, right?
It looked to me like it was George Takei inside Kenji's suit of armor.
I also liked the shout out to Jack Kirby (Kirby Plaza).