Digital? Well, I don't know. I mean, I know they're faking some stuff, like ISO, so I'm not sure what they accomodate. I tend to just switch the flash off and hope for the best.
Not with good results, I should mention. But I'm way too lazy to brace properly--it's tripod or nothing for me.
I just ordered pizza from the good Italian place nearby (Panino's, in the Evanston Plaza).
Thin crust; sausage, mushroom, onion and green pepper....
ita, maybe getting the results is a test also. To see how seriously you want to know the results.
MY RECOMMENDATION is that you go over to the person's house who knows, and krav her til she tells you.
Here are some pictures I took in the Chicago Field Museum with my digital camera: [link]
I didn't use the flash in any of these.
Also, extra added bonus pictures of ChiKat and P-C!
MY RECOMMENDATION is that you go over to the person's house who knows, and krav her til she tells you.
You're talking about the woman who's cracked two protective groin cups with her kicks. I mean two belonging to the same guy. Not sure how many others she's cracked. For her birthday she got a card with a photograph of bruised testicles inside--testicles she'd bruised herself, through another groin cup.
She kicks women in the groin just as hard ("Why not? It hurts.") so she's allowed to keep secrets.
It's funny--there's one part of my brain that's reading into things, but it's being fed by my surety that I sucked, not because there are actual things into which to read. Often I can let it just run off and do its thing, but sometimes it starts to clamour for my full attention.
Maybe I should go learn PostgreSQL or something.
Man, belt test results are decided but not announced.
That's rough! I don't know why they didn't just leave you all in small room with sofas in it while they decided, like on a reality show.
Love those Field Museum pics, tommyrot! Now that I'm more mobile, I think I might spend some time this summer at the museums, since it's been a long time since I've been to the Museum Campus or the Art Institute, and even longer since I've gone to Science and Industry.
Thin crust; sausage, mushroom, onion and green pepper
My favorite, as long as I can tell the pizzeria to not use too many mushrooms (they have a tendency to take over the pizza).
That's rough! I don't know why they didn't just leave you all in small room with sofas in it while they decided, like on a reality show.
And they can announce "you're kravved" to the...winner? Loser?
Or maybe "you're belted"?
I'm having tea after work with hot french/moroccan boy next week. I totally don't need a crush, right now. I can't even tell you.
Cool and professional. Cool and professional.