I just make up stories. Elaborate, sometimes faux-autobiographical ones.
I usually crash before I get any satisfying conclusion. Either that, or, in my insomnia days, working myself into a hysterical
why is this not my life?!!!
Which wasn't so useful.
I've been tetchy all evening. Well, all day. I know why, but it's really inconsequential in the large scheme of things. Basically, I've called everyone I can call...wait...I haven't! (gonna get offline!) checked the internets incessantly, dusted, mopped, smoked too much, drank more than is reasonable, rearranged shit....
Funny, how I can torture myself not opening gifts for weeks, but reality? Is basically pins and needles and fear.
The word "slumber" always makes me think of "Lift Thine Eyes" from
which is actually a nice going-to-sleep song. If you like that kind of thing.
I've called everyone I can call...wait...I haven't!
You didn't call me!
I can't decide if I want to clean, or drink wine, or clean and drink wine
Sure they do, if you stay awake.
Who knows how many baby ducks I've stranded!?! Thanks, brenda! Now I'll never get to sleep! (Except for this handy gin and tonic. How handy!)
Tons of ~ma to Kat, Lori, Noah, and Grace. Welcome to the world, Noah and Grace!
Nutty and Theo, so sorry to hear about the layoffs. Best of luck finding new jobs to both of you.
Also, thanks Zenkitty. I've had too many gin and tonics to be polite apparently.
God, I'm miss CrankPanties tonight.
Sorry to hear about the double Buffista whammy, Nutty and Theo. May your time of underemployment be put to the best use ever.
I am ravenous and haven't slept, and tried to ditch my first class and cannot, without a much worse migraine (which makes my head hurt worse, but not enough). Unless endorphins get me, I am skipping the second.
No time to eat healthily either. Ah, well. The students will have to pay.
Nutty, I'm sorry you got whammied too. I hope you find something much better too.
Gah, Theo and Nutty. I am so sorry.
March sucks for the jobs.